May 4th 2016 – Dak’Art, Musée de Dakar


artist: Stefano Canto; curator: Valentina Gioia Levy; choreographer: Ashai Lombardo Arop

dancers: Marie Rose Sané, Bakari Marega, Emma Goudiaby, Xavier Goudiaby, of the ARTEA company of Marianne Noix

“Dance is ephemeral architecture designed from the body”

(Jean Nouvel)

Visual artist Stefano Canto and choreographer Ashai Lombardo Arop, have produced a work which combines visual art and dance. The artist created a series of concrete and steel sculptures, that invade the exhibition space of the museum like skeletons from destroyed cities, while in the course of a performance, a group of dancers directed by the Afro-Italian choreographer, interact with them, using them as an original imaginative device. In this work, it is the body that defines the architecture. The movements of the dancers complete the structures and architectures draw in the air reminiscent of Le città Invisibili by Italo Calvino.

The choreographic work was created during a three days workshop, held by Afro-Italian choreographer, director and actress Ashai Lombardo Arop with four young local dancers, coming mostly from breakdance and Afro dance, trying to work starting from their language and attitudes.

STRUCTURE BEHINDE THE SCENE – The making of Structure


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